Giuseppe Rondizzoni (Mezzano Superiore, 14 Marzo 1788 – Valparaíso, 24 maggio 1866
Giuseppe Rondizzoni in 1807 volunteered in the Imperial Guard of the Napoleonic army. With Napoleon Bonaparte he fought the Napoleonic wars at Waterloo until 1815, which earned him the award of the Legion of Honor. He was then admitted to the regiment of the Duchy of Parma governed by Maria Luigia with the rank of cadet. However, the name of Rondizzoni is known above all overseas, in Latin America: he joined the glorious expedition, which, once it crossed the Andes, began the reconquest of Chile. Once the independence of Chile was obtained between 1842 and 1849, he was appointed governor of Constitución and Talcahuano and between 1851 and 1853 intendant of Concepción and Chiloé. A member of the Legion of Meritum de Chile, General Rondizzoni still lives on today in the memory of his adoptive homeland, which dedicated streets, squares and monuments to him and even a fortified work in the port of Talcahuano.